Title: Activities of new iminium compounds on selected strains of bacteria and fungi, XX: Synthesis of 1-methyl-2-alkyl-3-(n-alkoxymethyl)- and 1-methyl-3-(n-alkoxymethyl)-5-chloroimidazolium chlorides.
Authors: Pernak, J., Krysinski, J., Skrzypczak, A., Michalak, L.
Magazine: Archiv der Pharmazie 321 (4)
Page: 193-197
Publication date: 1988

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Pernak, J., Krysinski, J., Skrzypczak, A., Michalak, L. Activities of new iminium compounds on selected strains of bacteria and fungi, XX: Synthesis of 1-methyl-2-alkyl-3-(n-alkoxymethyl)- and 1-methyl-3-(n-alkoxymethyl)-5-chloroimidazolium chlorides. Archiv der Pharmazie, 321 (4), 193-197, 1988